Songs of the Summer 2013

Music is an important part of Summer. Radio songs can define a road trip, camp experience, summer fling, beach outing or even a mission trip. These are the radio singles that, I think, will define a Christian Music lover's Summer 2013. Happy listening and H.A.G.S. (have a great Summer)!

1. Mandisa- Overcomer

It's already almost in the top 10 on the Christian AC charts and its only been out for three weeks. Count on Manidsa to be the breakout star of 2013 and "Overcomer" is the single that will take her there.

2. Natalie Grant- Hurricane

Finding a balance between her last two album singles "Human" and "Your Great Name", "Hurricane" is short, sweet and to the point and is one of the few singles of her discography that doesn't rely heavily on her expansive vocal range but rather lets the melody and lyrics speak for themselves. This is a great mid-tempo jam for driving to the beach... and getting caught in the rain!

3. Plumb- One Drop

Ukulele always brings a smile to your face and this cute little ditty from Plumb's fantastic album Need You Now is a perfect love song for summer.

4. Mark Schultz- I Gave Up

Reminiscent to his now-classic opus "Running Just to Catch Myself", "I Gave Up" is an upbeat jam that rejoices in letting go. Be sure to stay listening for the toe-tapping outro of "When the Saints Go Marching In". This is a much needed break for Schultz from the dramatic ballads that he's been servicing to radio lately. Here's to hoping radio warms up to the change of pace.

5. Matt Maher- Lord, I Need You

When Matt Maher sings, I believe him. "Lord I Need You" is, in my opinion, is Maher's most reverent and doctrinally rich single he has released and should become a church standard very soon.

 6. Newsboys- Live with Abandon

Newsboys just keeps putting out catchy singles that are a cut above the rest. In a genre that is overrun with ballads and mid-tempo songs, Newsboys' upbeat singles are like a tall cold glass of lemonade on a hot day. 

7. Jonathan Thulin & Charmaine- Dead Come to Life

This is the second life of this radio single. Originally released as a promotional single for their joint Love/War tour, "Dead Come to Life" is getting a second chance at radio after JT's duet with Rachael Lampa produced enough buzz for his album The White Room to warrant a distribution pick up by Capital Christian Music. It's already a top 4 hit on CHR Christian radio, lets see if it can cross over to mainstream CCM! The new music video for this single is intriguing  Check it out below!

8. Dara MacLean- Wanted 

Much like Natalie Grant's "Hurricane", "Wanted is a passionate mid-tempo track that purposefully holds back on the vocal hysterics for heartfelt singing. Unlike "Hurricane" though, I kinda wish Dara would have gone for the rafters on this track as it would have brought some life to the repetitive chorus. This is still a great single and I hope it doesn't get lost in the glut of female releases this summer.

9. Audio Adrenaline- Believer

Who would have thought that Audio A's 2nd single would have been better than their first? And more poppy? Both Kutless and Audio A have released songs called "Believer" to radio bit AA's is clearly the superior track. Its odd for me to hear such a poppy Audio A track (seriously Natalie Grant or Mandisa could have recorded this) but its actually a really good song!

10. Aaron Shust- God of Brilliant Lights

This song is equal parts Chris Tomlin and Bebo Norman. Another hit in the making for Aaron Shust who seems to only be able to produce one hit single per record.... Well this is the hit for this record, without a doubt! 

11. Third Day- Your Love is Like a River

After "I Need A Miracle", I was planning on writing off this era of Third Day as derivative but I must admit that "Your Love is Like a River" is super catchy! I think this is really going to grow on me throughout the summer!

12. Unspoken- Lift My Life Up

I've really enjoyed the singles that have come out from these guys so far. Like Sidewalk Prophets, Unspoken is not reinventing the wheel at all with their style, music, lyrics or melodies but when they sing these familiar sounding tunes, I really believe that they believe what they're singing and it makes me want to keep listening. There's a lot to be said about singing with conviction.

13. Jeremy Camp- My God

A vast improvement from the disappointing single "Reckless" but still not up to "Take You Back" standards, "My God" is a nice filler track for trips to the beach. I still think the rainbow/kaleidoscope album design for this record is ridiculous... 

14. Group 1 Crew- Dangerous

 Not my choice for the next single ("Forsaken", "Fearless" or "The Difference" are preferred) but its still a super catchy God-focused track that, while grammatically incorrect, should be quite inspirational for those looking to go on mission trips in 3rd world countries this summer.

15. Everfound- Never Beyond Repair & Anthem Lights- Fight Forever

The rivalry of the CCM boyband has begun! Everfound is the first real threat to Anthem Light's boyband throne! With solid hooks and good looks I'm sure these guys are going to have quite the fan girl following ;) If you ask me which single wins out as a stand-alone song, Anthem Lights appears to still have the lead. They're a bit less CCM generic than Everfound and "Fight Forever" is just a genuine hit single in the making... but Everfound is a hard working BAND with a great following so that's gotta count for something! So its pretty much the CCM version of One Direction vs Jonas Bros all over again! Hopefully there's room at Christian Radio for both of these groups.

Spring Holdover Hits:

Expect these five songs to continue to heat up the airwaves this summer!

1. Britt Nicole- Gold

While it didn't become the next "More to Life" on secular radio, CCM radio has fully embraced this jubilant track, rap bridge and all! Here's to hoping Britt's next single can gain a bit more traction on mainstream radio but if not, at least CCM has their new pop queen! This will probably be Christian CHR's most played song of 2013. Hopefully we will be getting a new single from Britt before the end of Summer too! (please be "Breakthrough", "Amazing Life" or "Ready or Not"!)

2. Matthew West- Hello My Name Is

Like "Gold" and "Live With Abandon", Matt West's upbeat single really stood out amid the crowds of ballads and worship songs at CCM right now. (You'll notice not many of them made my list for the Songs of Summer) I do love a good ballad but sometimes you just want something fast and peppy to add a jolt to your day- especially during the Summer. That is exactly what "Hello My Name Is" does every time it comes on the radio and I presume it will keep coming on the radio well into Autumn.

3. The Afters- Every Good Thing

A radio single made for summer months. Just annoying enough where it wouldn't work at any other time of the year but perfect for a run on the beach.

4. Francesca Battistelli- Strangely Dim

Easily the best single Franny has put out in years! For some reason this has had a slower build on radio for her than past singles but I'm hoping it peaks in the top 5 (or #1?!) by the end of summer.

5. Building 429- We Won't Be Shaken

A perfect follow-up to "Where I Belong" that should be hitting #1 around August.


The Civil Wars- The One That Got Away

Despite their personal issues, I'm really glad The Civil Wars came together for another album. This song sounds autobiographical and after watching the in-studio music video, one can't help but notice the tension in the air. Tension sometimes makes great music though and this is no exception!


  1. LOL, actually, a lot of these songs did define summer 2013 for me! You must be a mind-reader! :D


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