
Showing posts from November, 2013

Tribute to Bebo Norman

It is truly unreal that almost an entire year has gone by since I found out that one of my all-time favorite singer-songwriters, Bebo Norman was announcing his retirement at the end of 2013 . I came into the Bebo fold later in his career. While I had enjoyed his radio hits for a while, it wasn't until his sixth album, Between the Dreaming and the Coming True  that I realized what an amazingly talented songwriter Bebo was. That album spoke to me in a special way and I've purchased every one of his studio albums since. Oddly enough, for monetary purposes, I never went back to purchase his older records despite the fact that I'm a huge fan of his in general. Therefore, I've decided since he's retiring and not planning on releasing any further music... ever (Bebo, you say this but I hope its not true... we'll see how that goes- once a songwriter, always a songwriter, I say!) I plan on purchasing one of his first five albums every year or two as if he were r...

Indie Artist Rundown

Over the years, many of our favorite artists have left their major labels and chosen to release their music independently. Some were dropped by their labels due to low sales, artistic disagreements, or age. Still others leave their major labels for artistic freedom, financial independence or ministry purposes. Some fade away and cease to release new music but others thrive in the indie scene. Now more than ever before, many former heavy hitters of major labels are taking the indie route and finding great success and wider ministry opportunities. Below I have listed 20 of my favorite artists that used to be signed to a major label who have chosen the independent route and are the better for it. 1. Audrey Assad There was never a chance that Audrey Assad was going to stay at Sparrow Records. Despite her massive critical acclaim and solid, steady record sales, Sparrow could not figure out how to get Audrey's songs on the radio; therefore, limiting her appeal and exposure. I...