Tribute to Bebo Norman
It is truly unreal that almost an entire year has gone by since I found out that one of my all-time favorite singer-songwriters, Bebo Norman was announcing his retirement at the end of 2013 . I came into the Bebo fold later in his career. While I had enjoyed his radio hits for a while, it wasn't until his sixth album, Between the Dreaming and the Coming True that I realized what an amazingly talented songwriter Bebo was. That album spoke to me in a special way and I've purchased every one of his studio albums since. Oddly enough, for monetary purposes, I never went back to purchase his older records despite the fact that I'm a huge fan of his in general. Therefore, I've decided since he's retiring and not planning on releasing any further music... ever (Bebo, you say this but I hope its not true... we'll see how that goes- once a songwriter, always a songwriter, I say!) I plan on purchasing one of his first five albums every year or two as if he were r...