Top 10 New Radio Singles for Fall 2012 Part Two
It's that time again, when I run down the best of the new singles released to radio! As we go deeper into fall and winter, more and more songs are going to be appearing on the charts so stay tuned for more reviews as we enter the homestretch of 2012! 1. Bebo Norman- The Broken You can always count on Bebo to release a great first single. And you can usually count on Christian AC Radio to ignore it. Or at least this seems to be the unfortunate trend for his last two releases. That being said, "The Broken" is probably his best carrier single since "I Will Lift My Eyes" with its epic chorus, inspiring lyrics and ear-snatching dulcimer infused hook. This is not one to miss! 2. Group 1 Crew- His Kind of Love G1C has decided to continue down the pop sounding path they started down with their first #1 single, "He Said" (you can't argue with success, right?) with their second single, "His Kind of Love" from their new CD Fearless. ...